
Tolu Fiz Akanee is a thinker, writer and speaker; the author of A-Z Life lessons

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Life begins at 40

Today makes it 40 days since I graduated from Covenant University!
I guess ure shocked it's 40 days already but July2 - Aug 12 = 40days!
Can you imagine what the Lord has done in 40days?
Each one of the 40 days was practically a testimony, the windows of heavens were constantly open and God was raining his blessings on me without ceasing.
Quite a lot of my dreams came true, God's promises for my life bore flesh, I saw God consistently bringing something out of nothing in my life, God kept on paving ways, surprising me with new avenues with which I could bring glory to His name.

I'm positive I am the most excited man on earth this hour.
I'm pleased to let you know that the Apapa speech was awesome, I had great fun!
Friends, the God we serve is real
I recall the sweet hours of prayer in Covenant University, moments when I would go on my knees and weep because of the fear of the unseen; one minute I was so sure everything was going to turn out well, the next I allow fear to creep in and I'm all "what if..." "what if..."
But my father in heaven has proved Himself "Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will give you rest"
Has he not given me rest?
As at the eve of my graduation large sums of money had been invested into the production of A-Z Life lessons, quite a lot of money and each time I remember that figure I will smile and say "my God is able" other times I will say "God, na u oh"
Looking back now, I'm filled with excitement because He has set me free from debt, business has been good in the last 40 days.

The giver of life has taught me 'master life lessons'
See how much I've learnt in the last couple of days, He indeed "has made everything beautiful in His time"

This is not the Tolulope Akanni that graduated from Covenant University, I have grown and I'm still growing; some things happened way earlier than I anticipated, and I know there are still more surprises to come.

I've been privileged to be in consistent communication with quite a number of those in my graduating class and a couple of persons are worried that they are running out of time already
"I'm confused, now that  I'm the outside world I need something to do"
"Companies are not employing" "The pay is too low"
on and on like that, and I try to let people understand one thing which is this..

I feel like tomorrow is my graduation day because LIFE BEGINS AT 40

These were the things God inspired me to write before I became a graduate, take it dear to heart, they are not ordinary lessons:
1. If you don’t have GOD anything can happen to you.
2. Not everyone will start out big and comfortable; everyone stands a chance and will eventually make it, it is only a matter of time.
3. Don't ever let go off friends you make while climbing up in life. (I'm still in touch with almost all my secondary school mates!). The higher you climb, the more difficult you find it to trust people. 
4. That you get there before others is an ‘engracement’ from God, it is not your achievement. If others get there before you, fear not, it's only a sign that you are next on the line.
5. Gone are the days when the best of things are reserved for those with the best of skills, we live in era in which the best things of life are exclusive to those with the best of friends. Keep contacts!!
6. Life is filled with uncertainties, don't be too rigid, always have alternatives! I beg you, plan A, B, C, D & E. 
  • Plan A- Lagos NYSC, UK MSc, Shell job, US MSc
  • Plan B- Kano NYSC, Unilag MSc, GLO job
  • Plan C- US MSc, Apple job. US PhD
  • Plan D- MTN job, Ericsson job, entrepreneurship
I beg of you, as you make predefined plans, seek out time to factor alternatives if you don’t want to be stranded.
7. Never, ever forget Tolu Akanni! Stick with me
I miss you guys already!


Anonymous said...

I'M FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh lovely. God bless your new year as you go into it. [I just didn't know wat to fink wn i saw d title; was already scared dt u mite av tld us al a lie bout ur age]. Laterz dearie!

Tolulope Akanni said...

I'm laffin lik a mad man here....
If I catch u ehn..

Myne said...

Imagine Tolu being 40, LWKMD! All the best dear and more blessings.

Tolulope Akanni said...


Dont mind Simi..I will soon block her from accessing my blog..lol