
Tolu Fiz Akanee is a thinker, writer and speaker; the author of A-Z Life lessons

Sunday, October 3, 2010

He's gone
Another man gone
He's still here though
But he's gone

He's changed
Another man changed
He's still the same though
But he's changed

Gone to be with his woman
The one who bears the womb of a man
Womb-man - woman
Gone to be with his woman as the Lord has purposed

Changed; as two become one
Different bones now 'bone of my bone'
Different flesh now 'flesh of my flesh'
Changed as the creator purported

Now I'm left alone
All alone
All to self
All to my being

I've always had to tread their paths
The path all boys tread to become men
The path all men tread to become real men
The path real men tread to become fathers

I should stop talking crab
Stop muddling thoughts
And not call what is not a poem a poem
And simply say I miss my newly wedded brother

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