
Tolu Fiz Akanee is a thinker, writer and speaker; the author of A-Z Life lessons

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"God's will" : whether good or bad?

Funny how we conclude all that befalls us is "God's will" whether good or bad.

When NYSC posted me to ministry of special duties and I was trying to change my posting, one of the guys we (myself and my mum) approached at the ministry advised I pray about it because it might just be God's hidden agenda for me.

When I got Schlumberger most people said "God is really with you oh"
And of course, when I didn't get Exxonmobil you know what they said to me

When I didnt make first class in the university, I would tell myself that maybe God doesn't really want it for me.

Now I don't want to confuse anyone or stir up any argument on how you can tell whether God is in a given occurence or not, I just want to talk.

1. I have realised that people will always accept you and will always have a word for you in any circumstance. Because looking at it, a friend is supposed to "be there for you" no matter what.

2. You can't plan for life, you can't exactly push yourself into a breakthrough, the only way out is to live prepared.
In the words of Henry Hartman  "success is when opportunity meets preparation"
And this is what I have been doing and I intend to do for the rest of my life, TO LIVE PREPARED

3. Living prepared is not as difficult as many perceive it to be, it is not something that is achieved in a day; it is a process so it comes with time.

4. What to prepare for...
Knowing your vision for life helps you to know how to go about living prepared, when you walk about with that big picture of who you're gonna be by the time you are 50, it will help you live a life of preparedness.
Learning how to joggle a ball prepares you for a Nike endorsement in the future
Having female friends prepares you for how to handle your future life partner (vision: you're gonna get married someday)
Teaching Sunday school class prepares you for making presentations to small groups (vision: you're gonna be a CEO someday)
Learning how to speak french, spanish and a couple of languages prepares you for an international appointment
Reading the biography of Obama today helps in you in future political appointments

5. Preparation can only be adequate, you are never fully prepared
At a point in time, I was getting too much praises, facebook msgs, wallposts, blog comments, emails, face-to-face commendations.."I love your book" "thank you for touching my life" bla bla bla and I knew those commendations had potential harmful effects, so irrespective of my sincere gratitude to God I try to suppress it and tell myself that I'm not there yet so I would come online and start to read about millionaires and billionaires under 20 just so I can be reminded that there are loads of people better than I am.
Did it work?
Of course it did, it not only removed the sense of accomplishment (which mostly hampers growth), it sparked up a thirst in me to reach for the skies.

Therefore, if you feel your satisfactorily prepared for a particular thing, move on to the next.

GOD will do through you what you will allow him to do
Moses had a rod in his hand
David had a sling
The widow had empty barrels of oil
Seek to create an enabling environment for your blessings today

(Funeh thank you for inspiring me to write, hope this inspires you to write too)

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