
Tolu Fiz Akanee is a thinker, writer and speaker; the author of A-Z Life lessons

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Life thoughts

Back to life
There are times in life when your effort is not producing any feasible result
Times when your toil speak not in your gain
They are crazy down times

At such times we are supposed to do one of two things
1. Let go and move on to something else
2. Keep at it until you pull through

Just one of these two things
Anyone of the 2 could be right depending on the situation at hand
There are those times you truly need to let go
And there are those times you've got to keep at it
But how do you tell the difference
How do you tell the times

This is the essence of existence I guess
These unresolved mysteries I guess are the things that illuminate the human nature...if we could tell the difference, I feel we would no longer need God for anything

Why cant we know tomorrow?
Everytime I ask myself this question, I always remember the line  used in the 2007 movie, NEXT starring Nicolas cage in which he could see 2 minutes into the future...they said "The fact that we could see into the future changes something about it"

The bible tells me a couple of things about tomorrow
Jesus warns me not to fret about tomorrow; what I will eat or wear
I also have the assurance that the path of the righteous is like a shining light that shines brighter until the perfect day
...and the implication of that divine promise is that I can't have a better yesterday. In other words, the blessings I got yesterday is the least that the heavens can ever offer again.
Atimes, I picture a lot of humour going on in heaven when we are spottted bothering ourselves over mundane things.
God says "before I formed thee I knew thee"
So I can picture the angels laughing hard when for example, they spot a 5yr old boy crying over biscuit when they can clearly see that that same boy will become the president of his nation at age 40.
More often than not, heavens mock our plans especially when we don't ask God before we set out those plans.
It's more like God has a working plan for your life, so you can't plan your life for Him...its really not your call!

I found something deep in God's word this morning; deep and comforting
 "And I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good for them. I will put a desire in their hearts to worship me, and they will never leave me.
I will find joy doing good for them and will faithfully and wholeheartedly replant them in this land."
-Jer 32: 40 - 41

Imagine Jesus looking at you in the eyes telling you "I vow to never stop doing good...I find joy doing good for you"

What more do you need from this life?
Do you need any other form of assurance for success.


@air_meka said...

Great stuff .

Oluwunmi said...

I like the way the message of success was passed across..Good Job..U wont believe I've had the writers block for weeks now with several articles ready to be published but being delayed 'cos I just can focus on editing them, sure I think it was 'cos I was worrying bout when I will get into TEPNG, SNEPCO or Exxon, and How to build AKMART to compete with AMAZON and all..But this gave me a window to vent my mind with fresh words of success. Thanks


Tolulope Akanni said...

These are comments that keep me going! I'm glad God used me to reach out to you.
Keep d dream alive bro, dont stop dreaming cos dreams sure do come true!

Anonymous said...

I was having a bad day and this helped.
Thank you.

Tolulope Akanni said...

*goose bumps*