
Tolu Fiz Akanee is a thinker, writer and speaker; the author of A-Z Life lessons

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Only a couple of hours to go!

Only a couple of hours to go...

I'm hours away from my make/mar make/make show
Those manuscripts that were once on notepad.exe
I really cant tell how they found their way to Microsoft Publisher
Then Ade put it on Photoshop
From Photoshop the printer took it to Corel
And from Corel it was printed as a book
The book so fresh, so clean...the printer made me proud
Otta sales: explosive. 200copies cleared in a weekend

So tomorrow comes
Las Gidi is set to receive the book
Las Gidi...the city of hustlers
Las Gidi...the city of big dreams

God please speak to their pockets
Let it pop out of their hearts
I know it will turn out well
I know it will turn out big
Millions is what I smell
Contracts is what I see knocking

Tomorrow...the best day of my life
Tomorrow....a dream come true!

1 comment:

Myne said...

A big Amen to your prayers!